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कुल पेज दृश्य



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सोमवार, 23 मई 2011

HOME REMEDY (body odor--बगलगंध)

Lemon: After taking a bath rub slices of lemon in the underarms.
 Let it dry before you wear your clothes. This remedy will ensure 
you are free of body odor for more than 12 hours.

Along with these home remedies for body odor, you will have to
 ensure that you take bath everyday and maintain proper hygiene.
 Wash your clothes regularly; wear clean clothes.
 Wear loose fitting, cotton clothes, especially in the hot season,
 as they allow the skin to breathe and help in preventing body odor.
 Avoid foods like onion, garlic, spices, etc., 
which are known to cause body odor. Also stay away from 
caffeinated drinks, alcohol, smoking and tobacco as they are
 responsible for body odor. Last, but not the least, make sure 
you drink sufficient quantities of water everyday.

1 टिप्पणी:

  1. Respected Dr. Jogi Ji ,I am applying lemon after bath every day and trying to have good hygiene. Rest , I have not followed... on lighter side ., now a days deos...,perfumes etc. Hamari dukan se kaphy kharide jaten han . aap aagya den to unhe azma ke dekh lein.

    जवाब देंहटाएं