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कुल पेज दृश्य



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मंगलवार, 24 मई 2011

HOME REMEDY Drink like a fish

HOME REMEDY Drink like a fish

Drinking water is the best way to hydrate oneself in summer.

 If the skin is not well-hydrated it can crack, chafe and peel.

 The skin may also become sweaty and oily on humid summer

 days, so hydrating it will help wash the oil away.
Avoid caffeine or aerated drinks as they are acidic in nature 

and work as diuretic, leading to severe water loss.
Introduce a lot of cool drinks such as coconut water, fresh lime, 

fruit juice, aam panna and glucose-based drinks in your diet.

 Even low-fat dairy fluids like lassi and buttermilk are helpful. 

Crushes, smoothies and milk shakes will also help your

 skin beat the heat.

2 टिप्‍पणियां:

  1. Dr.Joga singh Ji , I liked your views. One must avoid caffeine and aerated drinks....Jis se urine Jyada utar ta ha ( Diuretic ) aur water loss hota ha .
    Blog main jaise yeh bachy cycle dhoop maun hi chala rahi ha, wah bhi bina pahiye ki cycle. Ise bhi thora rook kar , pasina sukhne ke uprant Paani pi lena chahiye.

    जवाब देंहटाएं